Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Big Fat Messy Divorce

Nothing about divorce is funny, but what happened today might be.

My parents took me to finally see the divorce lawyers to start the paperwork. In New York, you need grounds for divorce and ours is 'abandonment' since we haven't loved together for over a year. In front of my conservative, Muslim parents, the attorney asked me;

'how long ago did you have sex?'

I wanted to get up and strangle him. I felt my parents freeze on either side of me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I've spent all of my twenty-five years lusting over something or another. As a kid, it was toys and cartoons. As a teenager, clothes, shoes, makeup, friends and boys. As an adult...well, the list hasn't changed much from my teenage years! I turned twenty-five last month and my quarter-life crisis came-a-knockin'. Getting laid off, realizing that I had to do something about the thirty+ pounds I gained but most of all, getting over a broken engagement.
So, why is this blog called 'Lust Notes'? As a newly single gal, I'll have to resist temptation of many sorts and I hope to ward off all my 'cravings' with the help of this blog. Here's what I anticipate my 'lustings' to be;

- One-night stands

- ex-boyfriends

-a rebound relationship

- the temptation to go back to an abusive fiance

- skipping the gym

- eating everything in sight

- $1700 Balenciaga bag

- overpriced Chloe boots

- etc, etc, etc

Or maybe the trick is to give into it all! I'll find out as I go through life, livin' and lustin'.

Why I needed to be single

Since the age of fourteen, I've gone from one long-term relationship (with a few flings in between) to the next. My formative years were heavily influenced by the guys I dated, especially because they were all at least three to four years older (what can I say, I like mature men). So as the cliched term goes, I needed to get to 'know' myself. But, more than that, I needed to get away from an emotionally abusive relationship.